Olivia Hamer

Legal Director

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Olivia is a qualified Solicitor in England and Wales. She is a highly experienced shipping lawyer, with over 15 years’ experience in shipping law.

As well as a background in shipping disputes and maritime casualties, Olivia has a particular expertise in cases involving pollution from ships and the fair treatment of seafarers. She was heavily involved, from day one of the 2002 incident, in the high profile, multijurisdictional Prestige oil spill, representing the P&I Insurers, shipowners and Captain. She attended the 10 month criminal trial in Spain as well as other Prestige hearings (2003 European Parliament hearing and Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the level of bail set).

Olivia was also involved in the high profile industry coalition challenge to the validity of the EU Directive on Criminal Sanctions for Ship-Source Pollution.

Olivia is a Titulary Member of the NGO Comité Maritime International (CMI) and former Chair of the CMI’s International Working Group on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers.

Her fluency in Spanish has been invaluable in the multijurisdictional nature of many of her cases and was recognised as a “Rising Star” for Shipping by London Super Lawyers magazine, (part of Thomson Reuters) in 2014 and she has authored articles on shipping law in both English and Spanish.

Olivia's Career Highlights

Emergency Response PlusMinus

Examples of major incidents handled by Olivia include:

  • Heavy involvement, from day one of the 2002 incident, in the high profile, multijurisdictional Prestige oil spill, representing the P&I Insurers, shipowners and Captain.
  • Represented P&I Insurers in the aftermath of a rig grounding in a remote location (and subsequently requiring a dumping permit).

Dispute Resolution PlusMinus

Olivia’s work in this field involves the following:

  • Handling human rights’ claim on the Prestige matter in conjunction with Human Rights counsel and Public International Law counsel for alleged violation of Art.5(3) of the ECHR in respect of the level of bail set for the Captain. Case progressed from first instance judgment through to an oral hearing before the Grand Chamber in Strasbourg after successfully being granted leave to appeal. Included liaising with a number of industry bodies who submitted an Amicus Brief in support.
  • Wide-ranging experience of admiralty as well as dry shipping matters, covering advice to clients and case handling in respect of various disputes, including: Arrest and security matters, Unsafe port claims, Claims regarding liquefaction of dry bulk cargoes and general Contract/Charterparty reviews.