Our clients trust us with their most challenging cases, including those which are both politically sensitive and have a serious human element.

Those two issues are often core aspects of war risk cases. We regularly act to minimise war risk insurers’ losses, advise on coverage disputes and policy wording including cases concerning total constructive losses, and are instructed on geopolitically sensitive detention situations.

We have acted for the war risk underwriters of a tanker subject to a mine attack in the Straits of Hormuz.

Support during tough times

From the immediate aftermath of the incident and especially during the very tense days of any detention, we lead our clients and their crew with empathy and celerity.  Each incident is unique; our highly professional team apply a tailored approach, conscious of any sensitivities or specific obstacles which there may be.

We engage both international and industry connections, to coordinate the response and support the vessel interests, until the vessel and crew are released. We know that this period of time will be difficult; with Stann at your side, the way forward becomes clear.

We have advised war risk underwriters on detentions in Indonesia, Iran and West Africa.

Following release

Naturally we also handle all legal issues which arise after the vessel is released. Our specialist teams can advise on any remaining issues including contractual/charterparty disputes, any insurance related matters or commercial issues which flow from the incident and detention.


Get in touch
to find out more

T: +44 20 7781 0130
E: info@stann.com

Emergency Response:
T: +44 20 7781 0130